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Urban Society

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Based on the photograph below, describe conditions living in tenements.
Answers vary
According to this chart, what were the top four countries from which incoming immigrants arrived into the United States during the period 1880 to 1930?
Italy, Austria-Hungarian, Germany, Russian
Name three leisure activities that people did in the late 1800’s.
Answers Vary
Utilizing new ways to create newspapers, magazines, and books to quickly distribute a large amount of them to the people.
A variety show that consisted of comedy, singing, dancing, and magic acts.
This movement focused on one specific area. This can be done by writing, painting or used in politics.
This movement focused on the use of real people in art and in writing.
To become a part of (take in) American culture.
In 1882, The Chinese Exclusion Act set out to...
prohibit Chinese workers from entering the United States.
City conditions in the late 1800’s were
Dirty, with garbage and manure in the streets that caused the spread of disease.
How did education progress in the late 1800’s?
Go to school for only 4 year to longer. More High Schools opened/Colleges and Universities
Booker T. Washington opened the Tuskegee Institute to...
give African Americans a chance to get an education.
How did immigrants arrive into the United States?
They had no money so they purchased the cheapest boat tickets.
William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer practiced what kind of journalism?
States received land from the Federal Government. The states would then sell this land. What would the states do with this money?
Land-Grant Colleges
What was an apartment building in a poor, run-down urban neighborhood (city) was called?
Americans who opposed (were against) immigration were part of the...
Nativist Movement
Immigrants arriving in New York registered at government centers on...
Ellis Island
Jane Addams's Hull House was established for the purpose of
helping the poor, especially for immigrants.
By the 1900’s where would immigrants most likely to live?