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CRAZY REVIEW - 4th grade

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you need to buy medicine, you have to go to a....
The dog is smaller than the cat. TRUE or FALSE?
False. The dog is BIGGER than the cat.
If you want to BORROW books, where do you go ?
You go to a LIBRARY.
If you need to buy milk and fruits, where do you go ?
You go to a supermarket / grocery store
What type of art is "Monalisa" ?
It's a painting. / A painting.
Say a sentence in the SIMPLE FUTURE.
Stone sinks in water. TRUE or FALSE?
Which literature book tells the story about a long war ?
The Wooden Horse.
Winnie is a _______ and she has got a ________.
She is a witch. She has got a wand/ a cat.
Ask a question in the SIMPLE PAST
Ask a question in the SIMPLE PRESENT.
When you want to continue, you give up. TRUE or FALSE ?
FALSE. You carry on!
You can buy perfume or toys in a department store. TRUE or FALSE?
These headphones aren't wireless. TRUE or FALSE?
False. They ARE wireless.
What type of art you can find in a museum? Say one.
sculpture, painting, installation, pottery etc.
Say 2 objects you can find in a laboratory
Say 2 fantasy creatures you can see in Harry Potter movies
witch, wizard, dragon, troll, goblin, unicorn, phoenix, prince, princess