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Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carols

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Name one act of generosity from Ebenezer Scrooge in scene 7. (Scene 7 - p.14)
He doubled Bob Crachit's salary / He offered to support the Crachit's family / He put more coal on the fire
The next morning, Scrooge wakes up in his bed. What is the first act of kindness he does?(Scene 6 - p.14)
He pays a boy to deliver a turkey to Bob Crachit's house.
He pays a boy to deliver a turkey to his nephew's house.
He opens a window.
He wishes a Merry Christmas to a boy
What name is written on the gravestone? (Scene 5 - p.14)
Ebenezer Scrooge
Timothy Crachit
Bob Crachit
Mister Richard
At 3:00 a.m. another ghost appears. Where does the spirit take scrooge? (Scene 5 - p.14)
The Spirit took him to a lonely cemetery covered in weeds.
What does the Cratchit family eat for Christmas dinner? (Scene 4 - p.13)
A small goose.
A prize turkey.
100 spicy chicken wings.
A roasted duck.
Can you describe the ghost of Christmas present physically? (Scene 4 - p.13)
The second spirit is gigantic and as grand and joyful as the Christmas season. Its eyes are dear and kind.
Why did Scrooge NOT marry Belle when he was younger? (Scene 3 - p.13) He did not marry Belle because ...
... he chose wealth instead of love.
What did scrooge respond when his nephew (Fred) invite him for Christmas dinner? (Scene 1 - p.11)
Why is Marley chained? (Scene 2 - p.12) Each link of his chain is a punishment for ...
... some kind deed he failed to do.
... a bad action he has done.
... being wealthy.
... not brushing his teeth before he went to bed.
Who was Marley BEFORE he became a ghost? (scene 2 - p.12)
Marley was Scrooge's business partner.
Which of the following is NOT a character trait of Scrooge?
What is the setting (Day + place + year) of A Christmas Carol? (Scene 1 - p.11)
Christmas Eve 1843 in London
Who's the author of A Christmas Carol?
Charles Dickens