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Futur Proche

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They (m) are going to watch TV
Ils vont regarder la télé
You (pl) are going to eat
Vous allez manger
We are going to listen
Nous allons écouter
They (sg) /one is going to walk
on va marcher / iel va marcher
She is going to visit
elle va visiter
you are going to finish the test
tu vas finir le test
I am going to sing
je vais chanter
They (f) are going
Elles vont
You (pl) go/ you are going
vous allez
One goes/ one is going
on va
He goes / he is going
il va
You (sing.) go/ you are going
tu vas
I go/ I am going
Je vais
Ils/elles (aller)
Ils/elles vont
Vous (aller)
vous allez
Nous (aller)
Nous allons
On (aller)
on va
Elle (aller)
Elle va
Il (aller)
Il va
Tu (aller)
tu vas
Je (aller)
Je vais