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unit 4 - grammar 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you _______ (stay) in bed for a week.
Peter ______ (attend) classes on time.
should attend
We_______ (watch) TV tonight. We haven’t decided yet
might watch
I think you________(relax) more. You have been working too much lately
should relax
He’s not picking up the phone. He _____ (not be) home yet.
might not be
My husband is preparing dinner. He's not a good cook so you _________ expect anything special.
you __________ be careful with electricity. You ________ get an electric shock.
should - might
it (not, snow) tonight, but I'm not sure
They _________ visit Plaza de Armas at midnight. It is too dangerous.
My friend [ to find ] her keys to unlock the door.
should find
if you are looking for a relaxing walk. You ________ visit Barrio Meiggs. It is very messy.
shouldn 't
They _____ (not) see the problem, but there is one.
might not
I _________________ pass the exam - but I don't feel so confident.
I've bought a lottery ticket! I ______________ become a billionaire!
I called her, but she didn't answer.. She _____________ be at the beach
He says the job interview wasn't ok. He _____(not, get) the job.
might not get
He [not play] video games every day.
shouldn't play
Murat [not eat] fast. it is not good for your stomachache
shouldn't eat
Kuzey [ wear ] helmet riding a bike.
should wear
Ada [go] to the hospital because she is ill.
should go
You [ to speak ] English with your teacher.
should speak