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Volunteer Work

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they doing?
Working with "special needs" people, helping the mentally disabled ( trẻ em có nhu cầu đặc biệt, thiểu năng trí tuệ)
What are they doing?
Volunteering at a Woman's Shelter (nơi trú ẩn của phụ nữ)
What are they doing?
Helping abused animals ( giúp đỡ động vật bị ngược đãi)
What are they doing?
Helping the homeless / Volunteering at a "Soup Kitchen" ( giúp đỡ người vô gia cư / Tình nguyện tại "bếp súp")
What are they doing?
Raising Awareness (nâng cao ý thức)
What are they doing?
Fundraising/Raising money (gây quỹ)
Helping the Disabled (giúp đỡ người tàn tật)
Working at a shelter (làm việc tại một nơi trú ẩn)
Supporting local charities (hỗ trợ các tổ chức từ thiện địa)
What are they doing?
Donating Blood (hiến máu)
What are they doing?
Planting trees
What are they doing?
Helping the blind/ helping the disabled (giúp đỡ người tàn tật)
What are they doing?
Helping animals/ feeding animals
What are they doing?
Volunteer teaching, teaching abroad (giảng dạy ở nước ngoài)
What are they doing?
What are they doing?
Disaster Relief (cứu trợ thiên tai)
Selling something (bán một cái gì đó)
Giving out information (đưa ra thông tin)
Recycling (tái chế)
What are they doing?
Picking up Trash, Cleaning Garbage, Collecting Litter
What are they doing?
Donating to charity
What are they doing?
Helping the old/elderly