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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She took him _____ to an Italian restaurant for his birthday meal
Perhaps he should have taken ______ ____ the no smoking sign
notice of
You can take _____ ______. The train won't be leaving for another half an hour
your time
The neighbour's dog has taken ______ the postman - it always barks aggressively when he is near
Dave immediately took ____ his colleagues and is very happy in his new job
In order to relieve some stress, my sister has taken ____ yoga
As soon as she got home from the walk, she took her dirty shoes ____ and left them by the door
Despite having a comfortable lead, Manchester United didn't take ____ ___ their opponents; they tried to score again
pity on
The scientists failed to take ____ ________ the possibility that the robots could harm people
into account
The wedding will take _____ at the church at 2pm
The wise students took _________ of their free afternoon and practised their English
My friend is out of town, so I got roped into taking _____ ____ his cat
care of
Because he was unlikely to win, James stopped taking _____ ___ the Euromillions
part in
Some people think that taking ______ every now and then helps you to get ahead in life
She takes ________ her father, who was also a police officer