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Proper Nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you need to do to correct this sentence? On monday we have art.
What do you need to do to correct this sentence? It is the month of december.
What do you need to do to correct this sentence? When is mr. finizio's class?
Mr. Finizio's
What do you need to do to correct this sentence? Lyla would like to go to disney world soon.
Disney World
What is the proper noun in the sentence? We went to the park on Tuesday.
What are the proper nouns in the sentence? Dakota lives in Weehawken.
Dakota, Weehawken
What is the proper noun in the sentence? In Texas they have rodeos.
Common or Proper Noun? table
Common or Proper Noun? Chick-fil-A
Common or Proper Noun? New Years Eve
Common or Proper Noun? April
Common or Proper Noun? month
Common or Proper Noun? boy
Common or Proper Noun? Julia
Common or Proper Noun? Max
Common or Proper Noun? tiger
What are the proper nouns in the sentence? Gizmo kept barking at Michaela on Park Avenue.
Gizmo, Michaela, Park Avenue.
What are the proper nouns in the sentence? Sadie and Zibraan are in Miss Tattoli's class.
Sadie, Zibraan, Miss Tattoli
What type of letter do all proper nouns begin with?
a capital letter (or uppercase)
What are the proper nouns in the sentence? December 25th is Christmas.
December and Christmas
What is the proper noun in the sentence? On Friday we have library.
What is the proper noun in the sentence? They played Among Us after school.
Among Us
What is the proper noun in the sentence? Amelia went to the park.