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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the name of this animal?
zebra duck
What's the jacket made of?
What's in the picture?
What is a baby panda called?
a cub
What's the man doing in the picture?
Tell us 3 things you know about hippos.
It lives in Africa. It can run fast. It lives in water. It's very heavy. It has a large jaw.
Tell us 3 things you know about koala bears.
It lives in Australia. It can climb trees. It eats leaves. It can sleep for 18 hours.
What are 3 endangered animals?
students' answer
How does the girl feel?
She's excited.
There are a few pandas living, so this animal is ...
Name 5 farm animals.
chicken, cow, pig, rabbit and horse
What can a meerkat do?
It can dig
What can a monkey do?
It can climb and swing
What does the cheetah have on its body?
It has black spots
What does the zebra have on its body?
It has black and white stripes
What's this part of the animal's body called?
What's this part of the animal's body called?
What's this part of the animal's body called?
What's this part of the animal's body called?
What's this animal?
black rhino
What's this animal?
What's this animal?