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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Shall I remind you of your mum's birthday? (remember)
No, thanks, i always remember to call her.
Do you sometimes leave you wallet at home? (forget)
No, I never forget to take my wallet.
Did he speak to you? He looked like he was in hurry. (stop)
No, he didn't stop to speak to me
I heard she became a vegetarian 5 years ago. (stop)
Yes, she actually stopped eating meat 5 years ago.
Does he still visit his grandmother that lives in another town? (stop)
No, he stopped visiting her.
No more driving. I'm tired and I need a coffee. (stop)
Let's stop to have a coffee.
Are you absolutely sure you posted the letter? (remember)
Yes, I clearly remember posting it.
So the first time you flew by plane was an incredible experience. (forget)
Yes, i will never forget flying for the first time.
Did he give up gambling? (go on)
No, he went on gambling.
Did she go to the university after finishing school? (go on)
Yes, she went on to study at university.
What did he do to help him sleep? (try)
He tried drinking tea, taking sleeping pills, etc.
What did she do after her car broke down? (try)
She tried to find help.