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Weimar Germany and the Rise of the Nazis

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Which party was the second biggest in the Reichstag in 1932?
The Communists
How many people became unemployed in Germany as a result of the Wall Street Crash?
6 million
How did Josef Goebbels use new technology to promote the Nazis?
He used Radio broadcasts
Who won the 1932 German Presidential race?
Paul von Hindenburg
What is the name of the German Parliament building?
The Reichstag
What is the German equivalent of the British Prime Minister?
The Chancellor
The belief in a superior Aryan race is a ... policy
Racist / White Supermacist
What is the German word for 'living space'?
Name one of the Nazis' more Socialist policies.
Improved pensions / Farmers should be given their land / State-Owned public utilities
What was the full name of the Nazi Party?
The National Socialist German Workers' Party
What does 'Mein Kampf' mean in English?
My Struggle
How much of his 5 year prison sentence did Hitler serve?
4 months
Why was Adolf Hitler imprisoned in 1924?
For leading an armed uprising, known as the Munich Putsch.
What is the name of the attempted Left Wing uprising in January 1919?
The Spartacist Uprising
The group of Right Wing ex-soldiers who tried to start an uprising in 1920 were called...
the Freikorps
What was the name of the currency, tied to the value of GOLD, that Stresemann introduced?
The Reichsmark
What was the name of the currency, tied to the value of German land, that Stresemann introduced?
The Rentenmark
What was the name of the economic plan which gave Germany a $200m loan, and restructured payments?
The Dawes Plan
Oppositions to the Treaty of Versailles called the politicians who signed it the November ...
November Criminals
Right-wing Germans, such as Hitler, felt that Germany had been ... in the ... by the Weimar Government
Stabbed in the back
Who did groups like judges and the army support after the end of World War 1?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Which German statesman managed to stabilise the German economy from 1924-28?
Gustav Stresemann
At what age could men vote in Weimar Germany
At what age could women vote in Weimar Germany?
What was the Weimar Government named after?
The town of Weimar, where the constitution was written
What did Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution allow?
It allowed the chancellor to make laws without parliament