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B1 Review Travel and Tourism

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We us this word as a preposition when we say "travel ___plane"
I will travel all over the world! it will be an ___________ I will never forget!
All the suitcases, bags and backpacks you take on a trip are called...
Gifts you can get for yourself or people you love when you travel
A place you book to sleep in the outdoors to be close to nature
The places where you sleep on your trips are called...
This is a permission to travel to another country, you usually get it at the embassy of that country
We went away on __________ for 3 weeks.
To avoid sunburn, I take some ________ ________ with SPF50.
suntan lotion
I never forget to take a pair of ________ because my eyes are very sensitive.
I pack all my things in a __________.
You cannot get on the plane without showing your ____________.
I like to pick up a local ______ for the city centre I am visiting, they are always helpful and usually free.
I always take a ________to make sure I see all the important points of interest.
It is important to have ____________for the country you are visiting.
foreign currency
I took a ________on my trip to keep the most important things with me.
Answer the question (4 words)
waited, included, shouted, ended
2 letter sounds in which we add the extra /id/ sound at the end when making it past
d and t sounds