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B3 Student Expo 2020

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of animal is a chicken?
It is a farm animal.
It is a pet.
It is a wild animal from the forest.
It is a wild animal from the savanna.
What part of the body do you need to listen to music?
The ears
The hands
The eyes
The nose
What part of the body do you use to eat and speak?
The mouth
The nose
The ears
The hands
What month comes after November?
What month comes after January?
How many days are there in September?
30 days
31 days
How many days are there in June?
30 days
31 days
How many days are there in December?
31 days
30 days
How many days are there in April?
30 days
31 days
You should always _____________________ before eating.
wash your hands
brush your teeth
take a shower
brush your hair
We need to ____________________ every day.
drink water
After we eat, we should...
brush our teeth.
wash our hands.
take a shower.
go to bed.
What season is it in Brazil from June to August?
It's winter.
It's spring.
It's autumn.
It's winter.
What season is it in Brazil from December to February?
It's summer.
It's spring.
It's autumn.
It's winter.
Give two examples of things that were created in Japan.
Personal answer.
What continent is Japan located in?
What shape is found in the middle of Japan's flag?
A circle
A rectangle
A square
A triangle
What is the currency in Japan?
the Yen
the Dollar
the Euro
the Ruble
What is the highest point in Japan?
Mount Fuji
Mount Everest
Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount McKinley
What is the capital of Japan?
Which biome is represented in this picture?
The grasslands (savanna)
The taiga
The desert
The rainforest
What is the temperature like in the tundra?
It is very cold.
It is very hot.
It is warm.
It is hot.
What is the vegetation like in the rainforest?
Many kinds of plants, short and tall trees.
Mostly succulent plants.
Mainly lichens.
There is a lot of grass, but very few trees.
Which biome is very hot during the day but cold at night?
The desert
The grasslands
The rainforest
The taiga
Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?
The roots
The seed
The fruit
The flower
What part of the plant is this?
The sugar cane is a trunk.
The sugar cane is a root.
The sugar cane is a fruit.
The sugar cane is a leaf.
Which part of the plant protects the seed?
The fruit
The trunk
The leaves
The roots
What part of the plant is this?
Peanuts are seeds.
Peanuts are fruit.
Peanuts are roots.
Peanuts are a trunk.