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Lesson 4 REVIEW!
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE or FALSE. Alice made a 'Parol' or lantern out of plastic bottles and tin cans. This is an example of Recycling.
TRUE or FALSE. The NCR is considered as one of the polluted places in the world.
TRUE or FALSE. Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission take charge of cleaning up the Pasig River.
Green waste are also called _______________.
Biodegradable waste
What do you mean by the 3Rs in managing waste
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
A long peninsula of fishpond and mudflat in Navotas City
Sitio Pulo
The "Last Lung of the City of Manila"
Arroceros Forest Park
The drainage basin of water coming from Sierra Madre mountains
Marikina Watershed
Pasig River acts as a bridge between Manila bay and _____________
Laguna de Bay
It serves as a natural port of Manila
Manila Bay
Fishing Capital of the Philippines
Navotas City