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All About Mr. Walker

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What is Mr. Walker's favorite hockey team?
N.J. Devils
What is Mr. Walker's favorite dessert?
Ice Cream
Which of the following states has Mr. Walker NEVER been to - Oregon, Montana, Colorado, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Delaware
Rhode Island
How many colleges/universities has Mr. Walker attended?
What is Mr. Walker's favorite color?
What is Mr. Walker's favorite comic strip?
Calvin and Hobbes
Name one of Mr. Walker's favorite hobbies
Camping, Hiking, Reading
Besides New York and North Carolina, what state did Mr. Walker live in?
Where is Mr. Walker originally from?
Syracuse, New York
Who is Mr. Walker's favorite baseball team?
New York Yankees
How many dogs does Mr. Walker have?
What university did Mr. Walker just graduate from?
North Carolina State University