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Negative present simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dain has a sister in 3rd grade.
Dain doesn't have a sister in 3rd grade.
Soyoon is a girl from Korea.
Soyoon isn't a girl from Korea.
Nana can make origami cranes.
Nana can't make origami cranes.
Ibuki plays Among us.
Ibuki doesn't play among us.
Haruto has a collection of Pokemon things.
Haruto doesn't have a collection of Pokemon things.
Eunwoo has a dog named Yomi.
Eunwoo doesn't have a dog named Yomi.
Rayoon likes Blackpink.
Rayoon doesn't like blackpink.
She draws rainbows and kittens all the time.
She doesn't draw rainbows and kittens all the time.
You can do the quiz another day.
You can do the quiz another day.
I am very sleepy today.
I am not very sleepy today.
The birds poop on the car every morning.
The birds don't poop on the car every morning.
We can do the assignment later.
We can't do the assignment later.
The dog is my best friend.
The dog isn't my best friend.
The teacher makes a funny face when she is angry.
The teacher doesn't make a funny face when she is angry.
My cousin can stay up late.
My cousin can't stay up late.
You are the brother of my best friend.
You are not the brother of my best friend.
I dance really well.
I don't dance really well.
My sister and I can jump the rope 400 times.
My sister and I can't jump the rope 400 times.
The students are bored.
The students are not bored.
My stomach makes a funny noise when it's hungry.
My stomach doesn't make a funny noise when it's hungry.
They ride the bus every morning.
They don't ride the bus every morning.
We can make some ramen.
We can't make some ramen.
It is hairy and cute.
It is not hairy and cute.
She smells like soap and icecream.
She doesn't smell like soap and icecream.
He can read very fast.
He can't read very fast.
I am a tall girl.
I am not a tall girl.
You have a million dollars
You don't have a million dollars.
We can run very fast.
We can't run very fast.
It is an ugly dog.
It isn't an ugly dog.
He reads a book every day.
He doesn't read a book every day.
You can fly.
You can't fly
I am a baby.
I am not a baby.
I like spicy food.
I don't like spicy food.
I make a cake every week.
I don't make a cake everyweek.