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Final test 1 G4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the condensation process, water changes from ____ form to ____ form.
gas, liquid
In the evaporation process, water changes from ____ form to ____ form.
liquid, gas
Name 2 examples of water in solid form
ice, snow
Name 2 examples of water in liquid form
rain, lake, ocean
Name 2 examples of water in gas form
fog, steam
name 6 types of nutrients
protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral, vitamin, water
Name 4 parts of an insect
antenna, wing, leg, thorax...
Name 4 parts of a bird
head, leg, wing, claw...
Name 4 parts of a fish
mouth, fin, eye, scale, tail, gill...
What will happen if we do not eat enough energy giving foods?
We will be hungry, tired, sleepy, be slim
Protective foods help us to stay healthy. True or False?
What main type of nutrients do protective foods contain?
minerals and vitamins
What main type of nutrients do energy giving foods contain?
fat and carbohydrate
What main type of nutrients do body building foods contain?
The process that the water changes from liquid to gas form.
The process the water returns to the seas and rivers.
The process that the water falls to the ground.
The process that the water changes from gas to liquid form in the clouds.
Name 3 forms of water
gas, liquid, solid
Name 4 energy giving foods
oil, rice, bread, avocado...
Name 4 body protective foods
carrot, orange, broccoli, garbage....
Name 4 body building foods
meat, fish, egg, milk...
Name 3 main regions of an insect
head, thorax, abdomen
Which part helps the fish to swim?