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Pollution and Maps

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is a picture of a .......................
map key
This is a picture of a ..............
This is a picture of a .........
compass rose
Which is a picture of a .....
map scale
Map scale is like a ........................
What is a border?
An imaginary line that separates countries.
A real line that separates countries.
An imaginary line that separates the sky.
" By turning off water while brushing our teeth, we can....... the use of water."
What is a map?
A drawing that shows what a place looks like.
Which one is one of the map's elements?
Map title
Map color
Map place
Name the cardinal directions
Well Done
We can recycle paper, .................. and metal cans.
What is a map of the world that shows all over the places on Earth?
What is the meaning of "reuse"?
To use again
To throw it away
To buy a new one
................... spills in sea and ocean can kill animals
What do we use landfills for
To throw our trash
To protect our water
To make new homes
........................... means there won't be any of them left in the world anymore.
A ......................... tells us what symbols on a map mean.
Map key
.................. is formed when fog and smoke are mixed together.
Trash is thrown in a place called a .........
Which one helps us to measure how far apart things from each other?
Map scale
Smoke and ........... are harmful to us. They pollute the air.