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Mental Health and Bullying

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are negative emotions?
emotions that make us feel bad
What are positive emotions?
emotions that make us feel good
Posting embarrassing photos of someone online is what type of bullying?
What is social/emotional bullying?
rumours, gossiping
What is physical bullying?
hitting, kicking etc...
What is cyber-bullying?
using the internet, texts, social media to intimidate someone
What is verbal bullying?
using words to hurt someone
What are the four types of bullying?
physical, verbal, cyber, emotional/social
Name two sources of help in the community.
coach, friend's parent, Kids Help Phone, neighbour
Name two sources of help at school.
teacher, friend, caretaker, secretary, principal
What are two signs of mental health issues:
feeling sad, keeping to yourself, changes in eating habits, frequent outbursts, very angry, worried all the time, scared,
What is mental health?
It affects the way people think, feel and act.
True or False: Positive mental health means you are always happy.
True or False: Mental illness is not caused by doing something wrong and you can't cause someone to develop a mental illness,
True or False: Only adults can experience anxiety or depression.
True or False: Mental illness affects people of all ages, genders, races and economic backgrounds.
True or False: People with mental illness can pull themselves out of it on their own and should not need support.
True or False: All people with mental health concerns are dangerous and violent.
True or False: 1 in 5 Canadians will have a struggle with mental health in their lifetime.
True or False: Mental health illness is contagious.