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yk1 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what are those?
those are skis
what are those?
those are goggles
what is this?
it's a tennis racket
what is this?
it's a soccer ball
what is this?
it's a baseball bat
can he swim?
no, he can't
can she ride a bike?
yes, she can
can she skateboard?
yes, she can
can he play volleyball?
no, he can't
can he play baseball?
yes, he can
can she play basketball?
no, she can't
can he play soccer?
yes, he can
what are their job?
they are vets
what is his job?
he is a police officer
what is her job?
she is a cook
what is his job?
he is a singer
what is her job?
she is a doctor
what is his job?
he is a teacher
what can you see?
I can see a peach
what can you see?
I can see an avocado
what can you see?
I can see a mango
what can you see?
I can see a strawberry
what can you see?
I can see a banana
what can you see?
I can see an orange
what can you see?
I can see a pear
what can you see?
I can see an apple
what can you see?
I can see an elephant
what can you see?
I can see a peacock
what can you see?
I can see a bear
what can you see?
I can see a dolphin
what can you see?
I can see a parrot
what can you see?
I can see an eagle
what can you see?
I can see a giraffe
what can you see?
i can see a zebra
what can you see?
I can see an alligator
what can you see?
I can see a lion