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Eiken grade 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spoken essay practice- Do you want to study abroad in the future? yes/no, two reasons
I want to study abroad in the future. I have two reasons. First,-----, Second, ------.
Speaking test-What kind of TV programs do you like watching?
I like to watch _____.
Speaking test- how long have you studied English?
For ___ years. // About ____ months.
Why do boat tours of the Grand Canyon take so long?
a) visitor have to ride in small boats b) the boats stop at many Spanish restaurants c) the canyon is very large d) national parks have many rules for visitors
the Grand Canyon
a)was made my Native Americans, b) is visited by many people each year c) is the coldest place in the world d)is million years old
Please look at the picture-what is the man doing?
He is .... ing
please look at the picture- where are the two boys?
they are.....
Speaking test/interview-please read the passage out loud
What do many people enjoy doing in rivers on the weekends?
Speaking interview practice- read the essay
Now YOU try. Please use your original answer.
Spoken essay-which do you like better;playing outside or playing indoors?
I like ____better. I have two reasons. First,____. Second,_____.
Spoken essay-which do you like better; reading books or watching TV?
I like ____better. I have two reasons. First,___. Second,____.
Spoken essay- What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like to____. Also, I like to _____.
Interview question- do you like to cook?
Yes-please tell me more. No- what do you like to do when you're at home?
Interview question- what did you do last weekend?
Please tell me more
Interview card-please look at the picture.
what is the man holding in his hands?
Interview card- please look at the picture.
what is the woman going to do?
Interview card- please read the passage out loud.
why do some people often go shopping at supermarkets?
Interview card- please read the passage out loud.
Why should people take snowboarding lessons?
Interview card- please look at the picture
Look at the woman with long hair. What is she going to do?
Interview card- look at the picture
How many people are wearing ski hats?
What kind of TV programs do you like to watch?
please tell me more.
Interview card- do you often use e-mail?
Yes-please tell me more. No- why not?
Kai likes ( ) letters to his friends.
1) write 2) writting 3) wrote 4) writes
The weather here is usually sunny, so ( ) power is popular.
1) solar 2) south 3) silent 4) shocking
Where is the bank? ( ) straight down Main Street. You will see it on your left.
1) break 2) catch 3) go 4) put
Kelly and Bob had a baby boy last week. They ( ) him Tommy.
1) spent 2) told 3) picked 4) named
Jennifer's dad told us to drive ( ) because the roads were very wet.
1) softly 2) carefully 3) lightly 4) helpfully
My brother played very well in the basketball game. I'm very ( ) of him.
1) proud 2) ready 3) fresh 4) kind