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3rd grade exam guide. December
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct preposition of time: She will be ready____ 20 minutes. a) in b)at c)on
a) in
Choose the correct preposition of time: I'm excited to see my family___ christmas. a) in b)at c)on
Choose the correct preposition of time: We are meeting___ 10 o'clock. a) in b)at c)on
Use 3 adjectives to describe the dog:
cute / small / fluffy
Rewrite this sentence in PAST and QUESTION: The students love the new school.
Did the students love the new school?
Rewrite this sentence in PAST and NEGATIVE: The students love the new school.
The students didn't love the new school.
Rewrite this sentence in PAST and AFFIRMATIVE: The students love the new school.
The students loved the new school.
Write the correct punctuation mark: English class is at 10__ a)? b)! c) .
c) .
Write the correct punctuation mark: Tomorrow is my birthday__ a)? b)! c).
Write the correct punctuation mark: Could I have a glass of water__ a)? b)! c).
Write the predicate of the sentence: Ana took us to the fair.
took us to the fair.
Write the subject of the sentence: Ana took us to the fair.
Choose the correct verb: The dog________ at the kids riding bikes. a)bark b)barks
Choose the correct verb: Nurses _________ how to cure injuries. a)know b)knows
Complete with A/AN: We are getting on __________ airplane.
Complete with A/AN: There is _______ blackberry.