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4th grade exam guide. December.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Select OR/ BUT / SO: We can watch a movie,____ we can go to the park. a)or b)but c)so
Select OR/ BUT / SO: Alex forgot his book, ____ he had to use his notebook. a)or b)but c)so
Select OR/ BUT / SO: Liam studied for the exam, ___ didn't get a good grade. a)or b)but c)so
Select the correct WH-question: ________ is he happy?- Because he has a new dog. a)where b)why c)what
Select the correct WH-question: __________ is my videogame? -In your room. a)why b)what c)where
Select the correct WH-question: ________ is your teacher? -Diana a)who b)why c)how
Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: I________(play) with the xbox all day.
have played
Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: We_________ (not/say) a word since we arrived.
haven't said
Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: He ______(put) the toys in the bin.
has put
Select the sentence in present progressive: a) He drives home. b) He is driving home.
b) He is driving home.
Select the sentence in present progressive: a)They are skating in the park b)They skated in the park.
a)They are skating in the park
Select the sentence in present tense: a)She goes home quickly b)She went home quicky
a)She goes home quickly
Select the sentence in present tense: a)The lions sleep all night. b)The lions slept all night.
a)The lions sleep all night.
Write the sentence with the correct CAPITAL LETTERS: my favorite book is gulliver's Travels by jonathan swift.
My favorite book is Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
Write the sentence with the correct CAPITAL LETTERS. erik moved to houston, texas in october,
Erik moved to Houston, Texas in October.
Write the PLURAL form of: cherry
Write the PLURAL form of: ox
Write the PLURAL form of: calf
Write the PLURAL form of: salmon