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5th gradeexam guide, December

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Select the sentence in PRESENT PERFECT: a)Line study very hard. b)Lina is studying very hard. c)Lina has studied very hard.
c)Lina has studied very hard.
Select the sentence in PRESENT PROGRESSIVE: a) They finish the work. b)They are finishing the work. c)They have finished the work
b)They are finishing the work.
Select the sentence in SIMPLE PRESENT: a)I arrive early in the morning. b) I am arriving early. c)I have arrived early.
a)I arrive early in the morning.
Write the correct ANTONYM of: dark
Write the correct ANTONYM of: delicious
Write the correct ANTONYM of: expensive
Write the correct SYNONYM of: hot
Write the correct SYNONYM of: big
large / enormus/ huge
Write the correct SYNONYM of: happy
excited / glad
Choose the correct pronoun: Ms. Olga is our teacher. All studets love ________. a)she b)her c) herself
Choose the correct pronoun: There are tigers here. We will look for ______. a)they b)them c)their
Choose the correct pronoun: We wanted my friend to play with______. a)me b)us c)we
Combine the sentences using OR, AND, SO: From here you could go to Monterrey. You could go to Monclova.
From here you could go to Monterrey or you could go to Monclova.
Combine the sentences using OR, BUT or SO: Jane likes ballet. She also likes tap dancing.
Jane likes ballet, and she also likes tap dancing.
Combine the sentences using OR, BUT or SO: I like chicken spaghetti. My friend prefers cheese spaghetti.
I like chicken spaghetti, but my friend prefers cheese spaghetti.
Select the correct form of the adjective: -My new pillow feels ________my last one. a) more soft than b)more softer than c)softer than
softer than
Select the correct form of the adjective: -I had to stay up much___________ usual to finish my project. a)later than b)the latest c)more late than
later than
Select the correct form of the adjective: - Safety is_____________ thing in every school. a)the importantest b)the most important c)the most importantest
the most important
Select the correct quantifier: -They didn't want _____ rice because they were already full. a)any b) enough c)several
Select the correct quantifier: -We had to write _______ words. Just three or four. a)any b) a few c)several
a few
Select the correct quantifier: -Everybody was able to get one piece of pie. There was __________ pie. a)any b) enough c)several