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Landform Regions in Ohio

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The _____ has extremely flat land and is located west of Cleveland.
Lake Plains
A small, triangular region in southern Ohio is ____
Bluegrass/Lexington Region
The _____was untouched by glaciers and is in the southeastern region of Ohio.
Unglaciated Appalachian Plateau
______was not carved by glaciers and is in the southeastern region of Ohio.
Glaciated Appalachian Plateau
This region is very fertile and located south of the Lake Plains
Till Plains
This region is a strip of land along the Lake Erie Coast. It has sandy beach ridges and dunes along the shore.
Lake Planes
Many streams in the region have reversed their flow and are less hilly.
Glaciated Plateau
Flat-topped hill can be found in the ________region.
Bluegrass/Lexington Region.
What landform region is in eastern Oho?
Glaciated and Unglaciated Landform region.
What region can you find cliffs, gorges, and waterfalls?
Unglaciated Appalachian Plateau
This landform region was untouched by glaciers.
Unglaciated Appalachian Plateau
You can find Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton in this region.
Till Plains
In the Till Plains, what crops are grown?
Soybeans and Corn
You can find Campbell's Hill in this region.
Till Plains
This landform region is located in the western part of Ohio.
Till Plains
This landform region has the cities; Toledo and Cleveland.
Lake Plains
This landform region's industry includes; shipping, trade, glass production and the mining of coal and natural gas.
Lake Plains
This landform region is in northern Ohio
Lake Plains