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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I though one of student in her first semester at Discover. Who?
In the class, there are two students that have been studying together since the second book. Who are they?
Bruna and Mariana
Who studies in Santa Isabel, but lives in Igaratá?
Who got older on November, 19th?
Who said this: I'll only think about that when I'm old. Like at 30 years old"
Larissa (Pq choras teacher Aline???)
What's Lucas and Beatriz secret code to talk to each other?
Hi, Lorena
Who studies with vegans (And hates them)?
Maria Flávia
Complete: Good morning. The sun has risen up in the little farm. Wake the ________ and ________ up
dogs - chickens
What's the name of the company that created Hello Kitty?
What does "side with someone" mean?
To deffend or support someone
What does "take after" mean?
Resemble a relative (in looks or character)
Who's the hard-driving tennis player we studied during the semester?
Andre Agassi
What's an absent-minded person?
Someone who always forget things
What's a 'hardheaded' person?
A stubborn person; difficult to change their mind or position on something
Complete: A lot of advanced grammar ______ (be) difficult, so a lot of peeople ______ (not-write) well.
is / don't write
Complete: The majority of teens __________ (use) too much slangs
use / uses
Complete: No one ______________ (expect) to fail this semester
expects / is expecting
What's the meaning of "LMAO"?
Laughing my ass off
What's the meaning of "xlnt"?
What's the meaning of "RUOK"?
Are you OK?