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December trivia quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In Germany, Poland and Ukraine is it good luck or bad luck to find a spider or web on your Christmas tree?
It's good luck
Which ancient culture started the tradition of exchanging gifts? The Romans OR The Persians
The Romans
What is a popular dish in Japan at Christmas? KFC OR sushi?
'Frozen' is inspired by which Hans Christian Anderson story? The Ice Maiden OR The Snow Queen?
The Snow Queen
What is sphenisciphobia? Fear of snowflakes OR fear of penguins?
Fear of penguins
Which country has won the most medals at the Winter Olympic games? Russia OR Norway?
How many words and expressions about snow are there in Scots? 239 OR 421
What ratio of people who get buried in avalanches survive the avalanche? 1:2 OR 1:4 OR 1:10
How many times a year does the sun set and rise in the Arctic?
Which famous monument is associated with the winter solstice? The Alexandria Lighthouse OR Stonehenge?
Which USA state produces most Christmas trees? Oregon OR Nevada?
Why did Julius Caesar choose January 1 as New Year's day? To honour Janus, the god of beginnings OR to honour his wife, Jan
To honour Janus, the god of beginnings
During the Norse Yule celebration people believed each spark from the Yule log brought...? the birth of a baby boy OR the birth of a baby pig?
the birth of a baby pig
How many sides is there to every snowflake? 6, 12 or 24?