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Science Unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The phase of the moon where the entire side is reflecting the light of the sun is called _____________.
a full moon
The phase of the moon where you cannot see the moon or it appears as a dark disc is called ________.
a new moon
Why can't you see all constellations everywhere on Earth all year long?
The Earth's revolution
Why do scientists use telescopes?
to study objects far away (like objects in space)
What is one technology that was invented for space, but is used on earth too?
cordless drill, soles of today's athletic shoes, nonstick surface for a frying pan, coolers, freeze-dried food, or "cool suits"
What kind of jobs increased the most when the space program was located in Florida?
astronauts, scientists, engineers, IT specialists, tourism
What determines the length of a day on any planet?
the planet's rotation
At what angle does the earth tilt on its axis?
22.5 degrees
Why is it daytime on one side of the earth and nighttime on the other?
because of earth's rotation
What is a solar calendar based on?
the yearly pattern of the sun
A group of stars that seems to form a pattern in the sky is called a __________.
The path that one object takes around another object in space is called its _________.
Earth turns around an imaginary line called its _______.
When things turn like a top, they _________.
A change in the appearance of the moon's shape is known as a ____.
moon phase