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Grade 4 - Unit 2, Week 4 Animal Adaptations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe 2 adaptations that giraffes have.
They have spots to blend in and long necks to eat leaves.
How do porcupines survive in nature?
They use their quills to defend themselves.
How does the snowshoe hare survive in nature?
It's fur changes color to blend in.
Describe how alligators survive during the dry season.
They dig water holes.
How do phasmids survive in nature?
They change colors to blend in with things around them.
When do phasmids look for food? How does this help them to survive?
Phasmids are active at night. They avoid predators.
What is one adaptation the skunk has?
It sprays predators.
Describe how the caribou's stomach is special.
It can digest lichen.
Describe one behavioral adaptation that caribou have.
Caribou migrate to find food.
Describe the caribou's muzzle and how it helps them to survive.
The muzzle has fur to keep the air warmer when it enters their body.
Describe one physical adaptation that caribou have.
They have two layers of fur and a layer of fat.