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Grade 2 - Eagles and Puffins

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one similarity between puffins and eagles.
Answers will vary.
Name one difference between puffins and eagles.
Answers will vary.
Name one difference between puffins and eagles.
Answers will vary.
Name one similarity between puffins and eagles.
Answers will vary.
How do pufflings change as they get older?
Their beak changes color. Their feathers change color.
How do eaglets change as they grow?
Their feathers change colors, they get bigger, and their eyes improve.
What is is a difference about puffin and eagle eggs?
Puffins only lay one egg each year, but eagles lay one to three eggs.
What is similar about puffin and eagle nests?
They are both built on land.
Use the word hatch in a sentence.
Example: Pufflings and eaglets hatch from eggs.
Name one similarity in how eagles and puffins take care of their offspring.
They both sit on the eggs and bring them food.
How are eagle feet and puffin feet different?
Eagles have talons, but puffins have webbed feet.
What is one difference in where eagles and puffins live?
Eagles live on land, but puffins live near the sea.
What food do both puffins and eagles eat?
They both eat fish.
How are pufflings and eaglets similar?
They both...