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Articles of Confederation & U.S. Constitution Er ...

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What is a synonym for ratify?
To approve
What was the name of the event held in 1787 in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation?
Constitutional Convention
What amendment provides protection for the freedom of religion and speech?
1st amendment
What issue did the Three-Fifths Compromise solve?
It determined how slaves would be counted for purposes of representation and taxation
Which branch of Congress has the power to ratify treaties?
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights
Power of the executive branch to say, "NO!" to the legislative branch.
What does ratify mean?
to approve
What were some of the powers of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? Name at least 1
Declare war, create post offices, make treaties, coin and borrow money, sell land
What compromise solved the issue of representation in Congress at the Constitutional Convention? How did it work?
Great Compromise; bicameral Congress with representation in the House of Representatives based on population and equal representation in the Senate
In which branch of government is representation based on the population of each state?
Which principle of government states that each branch has certain powers to limit the other two branches?
Checks and Balances
Which principle of government divided the power of the government into three branches?
Separation of powers
Why could the federal government not enforce laws under the Articles of Confederation?
Because there was no executive branch or judicial branch
What does the 9th amendment guarantee?
That people have rights that are not specifically listed in the Constitution
Name a power were denied to the national government under the Articles of Confederation?
tax and control trade
How many states were required to approve amendments to the Articles of Confederation?
All 13
Why did the national government under the Articles of Confederation have no way of settling disputes among the states?
Because there was no Supreme Court
Which branch of government makes the laws?
Who had more power than the federal government under the Articles of Confederation?
the states
Which principle of government refers to the idea that people are the ultimate source of power in the government?
Popular sovereignty
Who is known as the father of the U.S. Constitution?
James Madison
What does the 5th amendment provide protection for?
it protects an accused person from self-incrimination; no double jeopardy; due process of law
Which principle of government refers to the basic liberties and rights guaranteed to all citizens?
individual rights
Which amendment guarantees a right to a speedy trial?
6th amendment
Why did the Founding Fathers include an amendment process in the Constitution?
So that the Constitution could adapt to changing times and reflect the needs of society
What are the three branches of government?
Legislative, executive and judicial
What principle of government states that the government only has the powers given to it by the constitution?
limited government
Which principle of government allows people to choose representations to govern them?
What amendment states that powers not given to the federal government go to the states or to the people?
10th amendment
What was the name of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay to persuade Americans to ratify the Constitution?
The Federalist Papers
What does the 7th amendment provide protection for?
right to a jury trial in civil cases
What amendment provides protection for the right to bear arms?
2nd amendment
What did the Anti-Federalists demand that be added to the Constitution?
a Bill of Rights
What philosopher introduced the idea if unalienable rights?
John Locke
What is the duty of the judicial branch?
to interpret the laws
What is the significance of the year 1787?
The U.S. Constitution was written
What amendment prohibits the quartering of troops?
3rd amendment
What does the 4th amendment provide protection from?
no unreasonable searches or seizures
Why did the framers of the Constitution create a government with 3 branches?
to prevent the abuse of power; so that no branch would become too powerful
What amendment provides protection from cruel and unusual punishment?
8th amendment
What are the five freedoms protected by the 1st amendment?
Freedom of religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech
Repbulicanism gives the people what power?
Power to vote
What is the introduction to the Constitution called? What are the first three words?
the Preamble; "We the People"
What is federalism?
The sharing of power between the state and national government
What does amend mean?
to change in a formal way