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Bible Proverbs Final

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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According to Proverbs, who should we spend time with if we want to be wise?
wise people
Proverbs, like the book of James, reminds us that we should be quick to listen, slow to _____________ and slow to get _______________.
speak, angry
What does the word 'scoffer' mean?
In the book of Proverbs what does 'crooked speech' mean?
In the book of Proverbs, what does 'fear of the Lord' really mean?
According to Proverbs, what insect should we work like?
an ant
Proverb often uses the word 'sluggard'. What is a sluggard?
lazy person
Folly is another word for _____________?
What is the opposite of being wise according to Proverbs?
being foolish
The book of Proverbs is a father teaching his son how to be ___________?
Who was the book of Proverbs written to?
Solomon's son
The book or Proverbs was written by whom?