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KB4 A Review 1-4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one is running slow?
Letter H
What is the opposite of easy?
Letter F difficult
Which one is careful?
Letter E
Which one is busy?
letter D
Why did someone take the cup in this episode?
to clean it
What is a bad action in this board game?
not doing homework, talking in class, being naughty
What game are Lock and Key playing?
A sport you can practice in water
A live presentation of a story
A long story you read is called a ______
In this sport you can use your hands to touch the ball
On Monday Simon had a _______
What is he doing?
He is stamping his feet
What is he doing?
He is hitting his knees
What is she doing?
She is clicking or snapping her fingers.
Something that makes music is called an _____________.
What is he doing?
He is taking some medicine
What is wrong with her?
She has a stomachache
What is he doing?
He is sneezing
What is wrong with them?
they have a toothache
What is the past verb of HAVE?
The time when it gets dark outside
What is this drink called?
Where is Simon going?
Simon is going to the hospital
What is wrong with him?
He has a fever
What is the past verb of EAT?
What is the meal you eat in the morning?