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Twas the night before Christmas

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How fast did Santa and his team leave?
Like the down of a thistle
What is Santa's team?
His reindeer
Encircle means?
Goung round and round
Dash away means?
Hurry up
Miniature means?
Tiny / very small
Not a creature was stirring. What does stirring mean?
What did Santa say before going out of sight?
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
What did Santa do before leaving the house?
He nodded to the narrator
When Santa laughs what does his stomach look like?
It shakes like a bowl full of jelly
Which part of Santa's pipe did he hold in his teeth?
Santa's beard was as white as .....
Santa's nose was like a ......
Santa's cheeks were like .........
What did Santa have in his back?
A bag of toys
How were Santa's clothes tarnished?
Dirty from the ashes and soot from the chimney
What did the narrator think Santa looked like before he turned to show his face?
A peddler
What was Santa dressed in from head to foot?
How did Santa come into the house?
He came down the chimney
What do the coursers do when they see a tall building in their way?
They climb higher in the sky
How fast were his coursers?
As fast as eagles
How many reinder are mentioned in the poem?
What was shining brightly in the sky that day?
The moon
Who jumped out of bed to check on the noise outside?
The narrator
What were the things the narrator and mamma were wearing?
Mamma - 'kerchief & narrator - cap
On which day does Santa visit?
Christmas Eve / December 24th
Give 2 other names for Santa
St. Nicholas ans St. Nick
Why were the stockings hung by the chimney?
Ready for Santa to put his gifts
Name 4 of Santa's reindeer
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Comet, Donner, Vixen, Rudolph