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English 2 - Vocabulary Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What vocabulary word describes this picture?
tree - A tree can grow tall.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
things - We put our things on the counter.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
swan - The swan is a white bird.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
stay - I stay in be when I am sick.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
special - This is a special meal.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
pool - We swim in our pool.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
place - The park is a great place to play.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
people - Many people wanted ice cream.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
left - There was a bunny left in the basket.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
family - This is my family.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
idea - It's a good idea to get help from your parents.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
heat - I don't like playing outside in the heat.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
her - Her food is ready.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
laugh - I laugh with my friends.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
day - I go out in the day.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
cry - People cry when they are sad.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
beautiful - A flower is beautiful.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
cool - When I am hot, I like to swim in the cool water.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
beach - The is beach is by the sea.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
baseball - I play baseball.
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
away - The dog is going away.