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Materials around us

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 natural materials that you know
iron, gold, wood, limestone, cotton
Name 4 man-made materials that you know
paper, plastic, ceramic, glass
The _______ materials can be found in nature.
The ________ materials are made by human.
The __________ materials come from nature.
These swabs are made of ________ and ________.
cotton and wood.
This pair of scissors is made of _______ and _________.
iron and plastic
This jar is made of ________ and _________.
glass and wood
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
These gates are made of iron.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This bed is made of wood.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This table is made of limestone.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This pillow is made of cotton.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This necklace is made of gold.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
These bottles are made of plastic.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This bowl is made of glass.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
This cup is made of paper.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
These pots are made of ceramic.
This/these _______ is/are made of _________ .
These lanterns are made of paper.
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
glass, man-made
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
paper, man-made
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
plastic, man-made
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
ceramic, man-made
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
wood, natural
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
limestone, natural
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
cotton, natural
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
gold, natural
What material is this? Is it natural or man-made?
iron, natural