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...................... once stole Christmas
The Grinch
Frosty the snowman's eyes are made of .......................
Complete the two missing words from the following song lyrics 'I'm Dreaming of a ... ...'?
White Christmas
According to the song, what color was Rudolph's nose?
How many doors of an advent calendar would you open before Christmas Day arrives?
How many times does Santa check his list?
What are the two main colors of Christmas?
red and green
What date is Boxing Day celebrated?
December 26th
What are Santa's helpers called?
Which meat do we traditionally eat with Christmas dinner?
turkey or goose
Which bush beginning with the letter 'H' is associated with Christmas?
What is an item that we usually place on top of the Christmas tree?
A star or an angel
In 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' song, how many ladies are dancing?
Santa has nine reindeer, can you name them all?
Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Dasher, Vixen, Commet and Cupid.
What is another name for reindeer?
A caribou
What vegetable is often used for a snowman's nose?
A carrot
In the famous Christmas song, which plant was Mummy kissing Santa Claus under?