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Social Skills 12/2020

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the correct past tense sentence. I went trick-or-treating on Halloween. OR I goed trick-or-treating on Halloween.
I went trick-or-treating on Halloween.
What is the correct past tense sentence: I eated turkey on Thanksgiving OR I ate turkey on Thanksgiving.
I ate turkey on Thanksgiving.
Why is the woman wearing boots?
To keep her feet warm. There is a lot of snow and the snow is really cold.
"Your Christmas decorations are very festive" should you think that or say it?
say it
Someone shoved you in the hallway and didn't say "excuse me". What should you do?
You really want to go to the store but your parents can't take you. What do you do?
You have to sit next to someone you don't like very much on the bus. What do you do?
It's really loud at the basketball game and it's hurting your ears. What do you do?
"That is a really cool outfit" Should you think that or say it?
say it
What holiday is it? How do you know?
Christmas. I see a Christmas tree with a family opening gifts.
"Your shirt looks like it hasn't been washed in two years" Should you think that or say it?
think it
What holiday is it? How do you know?
Halloween. I can see pumpkins and kids dressed up as ghosts
How is this man feeling?
What do you think the boy will say?
Why did you do that!? I'm not wearing a bathing suit!
"your picture looks like a 2-year old drew it" should you think that or say it?
think it
Someone knocks all the books out of a classmate's hands as he's walking by. What could you do?
offer to help him pick them up
"I like your haircut" Is that something you should think or say