Edit Game
Categorias (Spanish 3)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 subject pronouns.
Name 3 things you have in your locker.
Name 3 things you like.
Name 3 rooms of the house.
Name 3 words with accents on them.
Name 3 things that are round.
Name 3 things things that are green.
Name 3 things we did in class today.
Name 3 things that make you smile.
Name 3 sports.
Name 3 activities you could do with water.
Name 3 things the cafeteria serves.
Name 3 words that start with "T".
Name 3 verbs that start with "P".
Name 3 verbs that start with "C".
Name 3 things in this room.
Name 3 prepositional phrases. (above, below, etc.)
Name 3 furniture items you'd find in a bathroom.
Name 3 yo-go verbs.
Name 3 reflexive verbs.
Name 3 emotions.
Name 3 modes of transportation.
Name 3 time periods in the past.
Name 3 activities you could do on a computer.
Name 3 activities you do at the gym.
Name 3 activities you do in school.
Name 3 buildings in Alden.
Name 3 words you associate with Srta. Ziegler.
Name 3 desserts.
Name 3 professions.
Name 3 animals.
Name 3 DOP's.
Name the 3 irregular imperfect verbs.
Name 3 present tense stem-changing verbs.
Name 3 U group verbs.
Name 3 adjectives to describe personality.
Name 3 adjectives to describe physical appearance.
Name 3 drinks.
Name 3 famous Hispanic people.
Name 3 Spanish-speaking cities.
Name 3 Spanish-speaking countries.
Name 3 -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR verbs.
Name 3 leisure activities.
Name 3 furniture items in the bedroom.
Name 3 school supplies.
Name 3 articles of clothing.
Name 3 colors of the rainbow.
Name 3 actions you can do in the kitchen.
Name 3 chores.
Name 3 stores.
Name 3 school subjects.
Name 3 BOTTOM-HALF body parts.
Name 3 TOP-HALF body parts.
Name 3 vegetables.
Name 3 meats.
Name 3 fruits.
Name 3 seasons.
Name 3 days of the week.
Name three months.