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Spring Awakening Vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My God, all these little TOMBS... And here-a fresh one ... (He pauses, reads the epitaph) "Here Rests in God, Wendla Berg-
Typically an underground one, for burying the dead.
The Girls HUDDLE around Ilse. She reaches into her dress, pulls out a letter from Melchior.
Crowd together; go together closely.
You wanna laugh. It's too ABSURD. You start to ask. Can't hear a word.
Wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.
In any case, I assure you that your present MISFORTUNE will have no effect on my feelings for you, or on your relationship with Melchior.
Bad luck
Suddenly, he realizes what he's done. He stumbles, SOBBING, into the UJoods. Otto and Georg are revealed, soulful members of the band.
Has somehow passed our middle-term exams, it would appear we face a certain DILEMMA.
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable.
In a more progressive world, of course, we could all attend the same school. Boys and girls together. Wouldn't that be REMARKABLE?
Worthy of attention, striking, extraordinary, amazing
Melchior reaches, TENTATIVE(LY), takes Wendla's hand. They begin a private pas de deux.
Something not definite, fixed or certain
Our little ACTS OF CHARITY. What do you think, Wendla, can our Sunday School deeds really make a difference?
Giving something to the unfortunate
Well, he does look AWFULLY PALE, don't you think? I wonder, is that Faust really the best thing for him?
(The face) having less color than usual
You don't look like you're praying, darling­lying there, CONTEMPLATING the coming BLISS ...
Deep thought - Great happiness
In the MIDST of this nothing, this miss of a life, Still, there's this one thing-just to see you go by.
In the middle of
Melchi, why-why-am I haunted by the legs of a woman? By the deepening CONVICTION: some dark part of my destiny may lie there between them?
A firmly held belief or opinion.
I need hardly remind you that, of all our pupils, you are in no position to be taking LIBERTIES.
The state of being free
They stand, one after the other, for their RECITATION. Herr walks the aisles beside them, listening.
The action of repeating something aloud from memory.
Wendla, grown-up girls cannot be seen STRUTTING about in such-
Walk stiffly, erectly (somewhat with arrogance)