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Disease and passive

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Infections caused by viruses ................................(not treat)
aren´t treated
The first antibiotic, penicilin.........................(discover) by A.Fleming.
was discovered
During the Second World War, pencicillin .........................(produce) on an enormous scale to treat wounded soldiers.
was produced
People with bacterial infections .......................(give ) antibiotics
are given
Before we travel to foreign countries we ................................(give) vaccination.
are given
AIDS ..................................on by sneezing, coughing or touching. ( not pass )
isn´t passed
Many infectious diseases ............................by mice and rats. ( spread)
are spread
The plague in Florence ....................by Boccaccio in Decameron. ( describe )
Is/was described
How often ....................flu ...........................on from person to person ? (pass)
is ......passed
Malaria .................................by male mosquitoes (not transmit )
isn´t transmitted
When .........................antibiotics ............................? (discover )
were .....................discovered ?
About forty million people in the world ...........................(infect) with HIV which causes AIDS
are affected
a disease, common especially in children, that causes severe coughing w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
whooping cough
a serious infectious disease that can attack many parts of a person's body, especially their lungs t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
an extremely infectious disease that causes a fever, spots on the skin, and often death s_ _ _ _ _ _
a serious disease of the nervous system that can cause death. It can be passed on to humans by other animals
a serious infectious disease that can cause permanent paralysis (= being unable to move the body
a very infectious disease spread by rats, causing swelling, fever, and usually death. In the 14th century it killed half the people living in Europe
the plague
an infectious disease that causes painful swelling in the neck and slight fever
an infectious disease that produces small, red spots all over the body m......................
a disease that you can get from the bite of a particular type of mosquito (= a small flying insect)
a serious infection of the bowels caused by drinking infected water or eating infected food, causing diarrhoea, vomiting, and often death
an infectious disease that causes a slight fever and red spots on the skin
chicken pox
a serious disease caused by a virus that destroys the body's natural protection from infection
AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )