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Environmental Science - Chapter 3 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An area containing trees that can be hundreds or thousands of years old is called {lichen, secondary succession, primary succession, old-growth forest}
Old-growth forest
The first species to arrive in an area is called a {lichen, secondary succession, primary succession, old-growth forest}
Primary succession
A snake feeding on a mouse is an example of what? {camouflage, mimicry, predation, warning coloration}
Predation (a predator eating its prey)
The viceroy butterfly has the same colors and patterns as a monarch butterfly. This is an example of {camouflage, mimicry, predation, warning coloration}
A walking stick standing on a tree branch is an example of what? {camouflage, mimicry, predation, warning coloration}.
A great white shark is an example of {producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer).
Tertiary consumer
Eagles and snapping turtles are examples of {producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer}.
Secondary consumers
Koalas and giraffes are examples of {producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers}.
Primary consumers
Why was the mushroom invited to the party?
Because he's a fungi! (fun guy, get it?)
Grass, plants, algae, and DJ Khaled are examples of what?
How many varieties of monkeys are there?
A pesticide called ____________ was responsible for the decline of peregrine falcons.
A living part of the environment is called {biotic factor, consumer, abiotic factor, niche}.
Biotic factor (and yes, a consumer is as well, but the answer we were seeking is biotic factor)
A green pigment in plants that absorbs sunlight is called ...
Most of the energy that fuels ecosystems on Earth comes from ...
When there is no sunlight available, some organisms make food using {photosynthesis, decomposition, chemosynthesis, boom-bust cycle}.
Animals such as vultures or gulls who feed on carrion are known as {secondary consumers, decomposers, scavengers, producers}.
What is it called when predators eat prey?
Every food chain begins with a {secondary consumer, producer, primary consumer, tertiary consumer}.
Through this process, plants use energy from the sun to make food.