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3rd Grade Revision of units 7-8-9
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the post office?
I don't know.
Where is the carnival?
It is there.
Where is the park?
It is here.
Where is Şükriye?
She is at the bank.
Where is Mahmut?
He is at the hospital.
Where is Ayşe?
She is at school.
Where are the children?
They are at the museum.
Where is Ali?
He is at the library.
How can I go to Isparta?
You can go by bike.
How can I go to İstanbul?
You can go by plane?
How can I go to school?
You can go on foot.
How can I go to Adana?
You can go by ship.
How can i go to Eskişehir?
You can go by train.
Is it rainy in the desert?
No, it isn't.
Is it snowy in the North pole?
Yes, it is.
How is the weather in Afyon?
It's cloudy.
How is the weather in Diyarbakır?
It's hot (and sunny).
How is the weather in Van?
It's snowy.
How is the weather in Antalya?
It's stormy.
How is the weather in İstanbul?
It's warm.
How is the weather in Trabzon?
It's rainy.
How is the weather in Erzurum?
It's cold.
How is the weather in Bolu?
It's foggy.
How is the weather in Çanakkale?
It's windy.
How is the weather in İzmir?
It's sunny.