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Superpower Relations: The Cold War Crises

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Who was the president of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War?
Mikhail Gorbachev
In which year did the Berlin Wall come down?
1989 (9th November)
What are the Russian words for 'Openness' and 'Restructuring'?
Glasnost = openness // Perestroika = Restructuring
What does ICBM stand for?
Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
What was the name of the financial package offered to European countries by the USA after World War Two?
The Marshall Plan
Which terrorist, who planned the 9/11 attack, joined the Mujahideen in 1979?
Osama Bin Laden
Jimmy Carter imposed economic sanctions on the USSR after the invasion of Afghanistan. What are economic sanctions?
Economic sanctions means attacking a country financially by refusing to trade with them, or making them pay extra fees to trade with you.
What kind of reforms did the PDPA enact in Afghanistan?
Communist Reforms
What was the name of the combined zones of Germany belonging to the Western Powers?
What was the name of the Islamic group that resisted the Soviets?
The Mujahideen
Which country did the USSR invade in 1979?
What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
The Soviet Union would invade any communist country who challenged Communism.
How did Jan Palach protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
He set himself on fire
The Czechoslovakian leader, Dubcek, called his reforms "Communism with a ..."
Human Face
After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by ...
Leonid Brezhnev
Who was the US President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
John F Kennedy
In October 1961, there was a tank stand-off at Checkpoint ...
What was the name of the CIA's failed coup in Cuba?
The Bay of Pigs incident
What was Khrushchev's "Berlin Ultimatum"?
The Western powers had 6 weeks to leave West Berlin
In which year did Khrushchev order the construction of the Berlin Wall?
Who was the leader of Russia during the Berlin Airlift?
Joseph Stalin
What was the name of the currency introduced in the American and British zones of Germany?
The Deutschemark
What was it called when all the skilled people moved from East Germany to West Germany?
Brain Drain
What does MAD mean when talking about the Cold War?
Mutually Assured Destruction
Who was the leader of Cuba that let Russia place missiles there?
Fidel Castro