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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what free time activity is this?
playing sports
what are your favorite free time activities?
I'm into/ I like playing the guitar, playing video games, going shopping, etc
for me reggae is:
borring/ awful/ cool/ awesome/ relaxing/ etc
this is a:
singer/ band/ song
they are:
singers/ band/ songs
he is a:
singer/ band/ song
what kind of music is this?
it's opera
what kind of music is this?
it's rock
are you into puzzles?
yes, Iam/ no, I'm not
are you into playing the guitar?
yes, I am/ no, I'm not
what sport is this?
choose one: let's go:
tennis/ ballet/ surfing
choose one: lets do:
basketball/ gymnastics/swimming
choose one: let's play:
soccer/ judo/ surfing
unscramble the job
bwe- sgdeenr
what is your opinion about videgames?
it's borring/ it's cool/ it's silly/ etc.
do you have a music player?
no, I don't
do you have a handheld game?
yes, I do
what is this?
it's an e-reader
what is this?
it's a smartphone