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BMS Trivia
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Who coaches girls softball at BMS?
Mr. Barberic
What grade level teaches "soma cubes"?
5th/ Millet
Whose in charge of morning announcements?
Mr. I
Name 3 sports offered at BMS?
cross country, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, softball, track
What is the "launch pad"?
Room for 3d printing, tinkering, etc.
What class would students make pajama pants in?
Creative stitch
Name a female specials teacher.
Herczeg, Singler, Fortunado, Gase, Crumbacher, Abdul
How many teachers are on each block?
4 (8th grade 5)
Who is the athletic director?
Mr. Fitch
What is the BMS mascot?
What is the hashtag that is often used at Bay?
Who teaches reading intervention?
Mrs. Costanzo
Who is in charge of bike to school?
Mr. Kuh
What grade level goes to the zoo at the end of the year? (name 1)
5th and/or 7th
What does Mr. Awad teach?
music/ band
What does builders club build?
Who runs the Maker Club at BMS?
Mrs. Lapolla
How many language teachers are there at BMS?
3 (Madame Hall, Acosta, Radomaker)
What program does Mr. Hill teach? (name 1)
Word, Powerpoint, Excel, AutoCAD, Robotics
What subject does Mr. Lenninger teach?
Who teaches P.E. at BMS?
Mrs. Crumbacher and/or Mr. Brewer
What is the address of BMS?
27725 Wolf Rd.
Who is Mr. McAndrews secretary?
Mrs. Hood
What does Mrs. Millet teach?
What grade level goes to Washington DC?