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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you know about Freshink?
Just asking la... relax... relax...haha
What do you know about Freshink?
Saja only this question ..ahahhaha
Have you ever thank yourself for doing something you want?
Self love yoooo... Good job on being at today's workshop..
Have you ever feel like you too can become anything you want like in the movie/show after watching an awesome movie?!!?
We feel the same too...
Have you ever doodle on the wall/ book/ your own hand or other people?
Impossible to say no to this... hahahhaha
What do you do for fun?
Whatever that makes your heart happy dear...
Have you Ever Imagine something extremely out of the ordinary ( Being a superman, ice skating on fingers….)
You can be anything you want..
Have you ever admire and compliment yourself?
Secretly, openly doesn't matter. As long as you happy yooo
It's year end!! Share with us 1 new year resolution.
No matter what is your resolution. You are awesome.
Have you ever think that you can’t draw. Why?
Don't copy paste ya....Just try
Have you ever thank yourself for doing something you want?
IF yes? Good job sis!!. If not, then thank yourself for signing up for today’s workshop. It’s the beginning of something exciting.
Have you ever admire and compliment yourself?
We do it all the time! It’s good to have positive mindset.
It's year end!! Share with us 1 new year resolution.
All da best sis!
What’s your hobby?
Everything else is good..Don't be like Patrick...Sleeping is not a hobby.
Have you Ever Imagine something extremely out of the ordinary ( Being a superman, ice skating on fingers….)
Be as creative as you can and have fun with us today!!
Have you ever dream of becoming artistic after watching a (art/dance/singing ) movie/show?
Simple reason. Art connect us to our heart and make us happy.
Have you ever think that you can’t draw. Why?
Belum cuba belum tahu, sayang..
Have you ever doodle on the wall/ book/ your own hand or other people hand?
We are all born an artist yooo...