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Grammar Final Review (GW4)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(1 mistake) My best friend is the lady who is business sells wine.
(1 mistake) My best friend is the lady WHOSE business sells wine.
(1 mistake) Meg: I have too many essays to grade. Amlak, may you help me?
Meg: I have too many essays to grade. Amlak, WOULD/WILL/COULD/CAN you help me?
(1 mistake) Meg has been breaking her sunglasses 3 times this year.
Meg has BROKEN her sunglasses 3 times this year.
(1 mistake) The students look tired. They should to get some rest.
The students look tired. They should get some rest. (no TO)
(1 mistake) While Meg cooked last night, her daughter broke a plate. 
While Meg WAS cookING last night, her daughter broke a plate. 
(1 mistake) When Meg will finish school on Thursday, she is going to go see Christmas lights with her family.
When Meg finishES school on Thursday, she is going to go see Christmas lights with her family. (future time clause)
(1 mistake) Meg's novel is really long, and she is reading it for 1 month now.
(1 mistake) Meg's novel is really long, and she HAS BEEN reading it for 1 month now. (present perfect progressive)
(2 mistakes) My brother is looks like our father, but I am looking like our mother.
My brother LOOKS like our father, but I LOOK like our mother. (non-action verbs)