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A1 English Review Work.Study

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I take _______ when the teacher tell us about the questions that will be on the exam.
When I study a lot, I stop and take a ________ to clear my mind.
A 10/10 on an exam is called a good _________.
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
Does this -s ending word have the extra /ɪz/ syllable at the end?
What time is it?
five to nine
What time is it?
quarter past nine
What time is it?
quarter to nine
What time is it?
five past nine
What time is it?
twenty-five past nine
What time is it?
Twenty-five to nine
What sound does the ou in (house) make?
/aʊ/ as in pound
What sound does the ou in (tour) make?
/ɔː/ as in course
What sound does the ou in (fought) make?
/ɔː/ as in course
What sound does the ou in (flavour) make?
/ə/ as in colour
What sound does the ou in (journey) make?
/ə/ as in colour
What sound does ou in (our) make?
/aʊ/ as in pound