Edit Game
A2 revision of units 1,2 and 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a suggestion for tomorrow night.
Your own answer with phrases: We could/ let's/why don't/ what about
Correct these sentences: 1. It’s a bag very old. 2. I not go out in the week.
1. It’s a very old bag. 2. I don’t go out in the week.
Make a question with these words: dinner / Sunday / you / have / do / Where / on ?
Where do you have dinner on Sunday?
Put these adverbs in order: often, always, never, usually, sometimes
always; usually; often; sometimes; never
Say the opposite of these adjectives: new, easy, cheap, slow
old; difficult; expensive; fast
Say six things in a house, for example, a table.
Your own answer
Say where four things are in your room or in this picture
Your own answer with prepositions under, on, in, behind, by, in front of
Say these prices: £7.50, 50c, $29.99, £21.50
seven pounds fifty; fifty cents; twenty-nine (dollars) ninety-nine (cents); twenty-one pounds fifty
Talk about your daily routine for 20 seconds
Your own answer with Present Simple tense
Make these sentences negative: 1. They’ve got a car. 2. I work at home.
1. They haven’t got a car. 2. I don’t work at home.
Correct these sentences: 1. My father haven’t got a cat. 2. Where you live?
1. My father hasn’t got a cat. 2. Where do you live?
Say the plural of these words: watch, woman, person, diary
watches; women; people; diaries
Say what you usually do at three different times of the day.
Your own answer with time phrases "in the morning", "in the afternoon", "in the evening", "at night", "usually"
Say these times in two ways. 10.20, 3.45, 6.15, 7.30
twenty past ten/ten twenty; quarter to four/three forty-five; quarter past six/six fifteen; half past seven/ seven thirty
Ask each person in your group a question about their daily routine.
Questions with "do"
Talk about things you’ve got for 20 seconds.
Your own sentences with "have got" or "haven't got"
Ask each student in the group a question about his/her family.
Your own questions (What's your husband's job?, How old is your sister? Have you got any siblings? How many cousins have you got?"
What are the short answers to these questions?1. Is he French? (negative short answer) 2. Have they got a car? (positive short answer)
1. Is he French? No, he isn't. 2. Have they got a car? Yes, they have
Fill in the gaps: go _ a drink, go _ shopping, go _ the cinema, go _ concerts
go for a drink, go shopping, go to the cinema, go to concerts
Talk about your family for 20 seconds.
with family words
Say the months.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Say six jobs.
a housewife, a cleaner, a manager, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, a waiter, a waitress, a musician, and etc.
What do you say to people on these days? a birthday, a wedding, New Year
Happy birthday! Congratulations! Happy New Year!
Do you use in, at or on with these phrases? Monday, 9 p.m., the morning, night
on Monday; at 9 p.m.; in the morning; at night
Say these dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth
Say six countries and their nationalities.
Brazil -Brazilian, France - French, the USA - American, Germany - German, China - Chinese, Russia - Russian, Egypt - Egyptian, the UK - British
Talk about what you do at the weekend for 20 seconds.
Your own answer
Correct these sentences: 1. Nick is the father of Robbie. 2. Is he musician?
1. Nick is Robbie’s father. 2. Is he a musician?
Say six free time activities.
stay in, go our, eat out, go for a drink, go to the cinema, go to concerts, go shopping, phone friends, visit friends, have coffee with friends, do sport, watch